Unlocking Your Dream Space: The Streamline Touch


When you envision a dream living or working space, the path to bringing it to life shouldn’t be riddled with hurdles. But here’s the thing—designing a blueprint isn’t just about drawing lines and making measurements. It’s about creating a story. That’s why at Streamline, our process isn’t just a procedure; it’s an experience.

Step 1: The Birth of Your Vision – Preliminary Check

From the moment you decide to embark on this journey with us, we’ve already cast our expert eyes on your project. Before a pencil touches the paper, our team assesses the feasibility of your vision. By examining setbacks and site conditions, we ensure that your dream isn’t built on shifting sands. Imagine having a team that cares enough to look before leaping, setting a firm foundation for your masterpiece.

Meet Your Architectural Navigator – Your Job Captain

Enter the Job Captain: your guide, your expert, and most importantly, your project confidante. They’re not just any drafter; they’re experienced craftsmen trained to lead your dream from a mere sketch to reality. Every photo, every doodle, and every idea you have? They’re cataloged, cherished, and considered.

The CEO’s Touch

Our CEO, Devin Way, believes that no project is too small for his personal touch. Devin will be on-site, not just overseeing, but actively participating—taking measurements, understanding your space, and ensuring your dream aligns with reality. Leveraging state-of-the-art technology, Devin ensures precision in every corner and curve.

Crafting the Perfect Canvas

Your Job Captain then swings into action. They dive deep into the intricate web of state, county, and local regulations—deciphering setbacks, heights, and even the fine print that can influence your project. You won’t just get a design; you’ll get a design that stands firm against every regulatory storm.

Syncing Imagination with Reality

Communication is the soul of design. Your Job Captain will not only discuss what you want but more importantly, what you don’t. By understanding your preferences and pet peeves, they refine the blueprint to mirror your heart’s true desires. The result? Initial design directions that might range from the bold to the classic, all tailored to your vision.

Up Next: The Real Magic Begins

With a plan in place and your heart full of anticipation, we gear up to transition from the birth of your vision to the real magic—Phase 2: Design

Here, ideas take shape, and dreams get their wings. Stay with us as we unfurl the canvas and paint your masterpiece.

At Streamline, we’re not just about blueprints; we’re about painting dreams on the canvas of reality. Our process is tailored, transparent, and most importantly, tuned into you. 

Let’s create spaces that tell your story, shall we?

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This is by far the MOST important part of your project. If necessary; we will send over any additional release forms to assure we have access to get a thorough picture of possibilities for your property. If this has already been completed, we will be repeating this step for thoroughness purposes. Here, we will research all elements specific to your property including historical significance, zoning regulations, setbacks, easements, existing records and more. This will provide a “building envelope” and dictate what is and is not possible per City and State codes.

This is by far the MOST important part of your project. If necessary; we will send over any additional release forms to assure we have access to get a thorough picture of possibilities for your property. If this has already been completed, we will be repeating this step for thoroughness purposes. Here, we will research all elements specific to your property including historical significance, zoning regulations, setbacks, easements, existing records and more. This will provide a “building envelope” and dictate what is and is not possible per City and State codes.

Building Envelope Determination

This is by far the MOST important part of your project. If necessary; we will send over any additional release forms to assure we have access to get a thorough picture of possibilities for your property. If this has already been completed, we will be repeating this step for thoroughness purposes. Here, we will research all elements specific to your property including historical significance, zoning regulations, setbacks, easements, existing records and more. This will provide a “building envelope” and dictate what is and is not possible per City and State codes.

This is by far the MOST important part of your project. If necessary; we will send over any additional release forms to assure we have access to get a thorough picture of possibilities for your property. If this has already been completed, we will be repeating this step for thoroughness purposes. Here, we will research all elements specific to your property including historical significance, zoning regulations, setbacks, easements, existing records and more. This will provide a “building envelope” and dictate what is and is not possible per City and State codes.

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